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Our Approach

Mentoring. Educating. Nurturing. Developing

Our very own unique programme that we use in the ARC is M.E.N.D.


M.E.N.D aims to promote positive and responsible behaviour in young people enabling them to cope with their difficulties and to resist influences to display negative behaviours. The M.E.N.D toolkit includes skills for building self-esteem, setting realistic goals, coping with anxiety, resisting pressures, communicating effectively, making positive decisions, managing conflict and dealing with social situations in which gang activity and peer pressure are prevalent.

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Provision Process



To know our students - their strengths, weaknesses, interests and needs – and use this knowledge to make the best possible personalised plan for them.



To develop our students as people - making them aware of their detrimental decisions and redirecting their enthusiasm into a positive avenue. 



To provide a balanced, accessible and relevant range of learning experiences/workshops that reengage students with an enthusiasm for learning



To guide, support and assist in the positive reintegration and transition of students back into a mainstream school or post 16 ventures.  

Assessment, Personalised Support & Individual Education Plan (IEPS) 

Once a child or young person has been placed/ accepted by the service, they are allocated a named key worker. The key worker will have a lead role in coordinating the support and education package and acting as a key contact, providing support and guidance for the pupil.


Initial Assessment:

  • All students are assessed so that we understand their capabilities & their needs, allowing us to create an independent learning plan.

  • We look at data from their previous schools to see where they are at and combine it with meeting the individual face to face in order to get a better perspective/understanding of the student. The first initial meetings are usually at the family home of the student or at our premises.

  • Each student is made aware of the reasons for their no longer being in mainstream school. They may disagree with them but they need to take account of them. If they are already out of school, or have other circumstances as to why the are with us we inform them of such.


Developing the IEP will provide an opportunity to listen to the child or young person, identify their strengths, weaknesses and aspirations, look at their needs holistically and start to build a positive and trusting relationship in order to engage with them.  It will also ensure the specific personal, social and academic needs of pupils are properly identified in order to help them to overcome any barriers to learning and attainment. It will capture the baseline position of a pupil’s educational and behavioural positions enabling progress to be monitored. Plans will be linked to other relevant plans or activities as appropriate.


Baseline Assessment may consist of:

  • Spelling Test

  • Reading Analysis (sentence completion and context comprehension)

  • M.E.N.D Assessment


Where a pupil’s needs change; the IEPs will be updated, particularly where an onward referral is made for additional support for a pupil or the family.

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