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Referrals to the ARC Academy

'Breaking the cycle of disruption & turning exclusion into inclusion'

Our approach is all-encompassing: we work with the young person, their families/school, local authority and any directly involved agencies to help the young person achieve their full potential.


Once the referral form has been received we will respond within 48 hours. The young person and their family will receive a ‘home visit’ to meet their key mentors and tutors in order to build the relationships that will underpin and guide them through their ‘journeys’.


The induction begins at home and is followed by a centre placement where the young person will start the engagement process and create personal goals that will enable them to achieve qualifications, work towards their ‘changed’ aspirations and move-on into the next stage of their lives. Our uniquely trained mentors and qualified tutors/youth workers, have acquired knowledge and experience working with young people/students and are more than capable to unlock their skills, interests and abilities. We at the ARC Academy aim to break the cycle of disruption, turn exclusion into inclusion, increase participation and encourage attendance. Ultimately being that holistic support system so that the young person can make positive, informed choices about their future.


Young people’s attendance, personal development, learning and behaviour is tracked in order to ensure progress is measured against established frameworks so that reporting is ‘evidenced based’.

Referrals to the ARC Academy can be made via schools, the local authority or Behaviour and Attendance Panels. This will include:


  1. Referrals made under the Fair Access Protocol for Children with Challenging Behaviour in instances where a child has not been placed on a school roll within 5 school days to ensure they have access to full time education whilst the situation is being resolved.​

  2. Referrals made under the Managed Move protocol for Children with Challenging Behaviour, for instance, where a child is being placed under the policy and additional support is required to help them achieve a successful transition into their new school.

  3. Independent referral by Parents/Carers.

  4. A child in care referred by the Care home Management. Schools also may refer children in care but this must be agreed in advance with the School Head Teacher.


  • Referrals will be made to The ARC (AEP) on the basis of a casual admission form including additional information through a completed CAF/ Early Help Offer assessment (unless there is a statutory assessment already in place), along with any other relevant information. These should be completed by the referring school or Behaviour and Attendance panel and reviewed and updated as appropriate by the AEP service.


  • Where a referral is made for an Alternative Provision placement, an initial response will be made within 48 hours of receiving the referral, confirming receipt, timescales and next steps regarding the referral. A full response will be provided within 5 school days as to whether the child or young person can be placed/accepted with reasons if not.


  • All children and young people who are referred and meet the eligibility criteria for the service will be placed or supported (providing there is a place available). Pupils will only be refused an educational placement in highly exceptional circumstances. Where this is likely to be the case, the reasons will be clearly explained to the referring organisation and the local authority will be notified and provided with the completed risk assessment used to inform the decision. The ARC (AEP) will convene a meeting with the local authority (contract manager and Head of Education Outcomes), home school and relevant professionals to take place within 10 days of the referral. The purpose of this meeting is to agree a strategy for the child/young person in order to secure a full time education place.


The ARC (AEP) will fully participate and comply with the Fair Access protocol for Children with Challenging Behaviour in terms of referrals and placement requests.

Time frames:
Short term or long term?

Long Term Full-Time Individual Learning Placements for Young People at KS4


When schools cannot place a student, schools may also refer to The ARC, we will deliver flexible 1 or 2 year packages, emphasising vocational learning, with opportunities to achieve functional English, Maths, further education and apprenticeships. Young people can stay either one or two years and will be coached to obtain a set of qualifications, which would prepare them successfully for post 16 further education, employment or training.


Flexible Short Term Early Intervention Individual Learning and Support Placements for Young People


Flexible short-term early intervention learning support packages are typically 6-12 weeks in length for children at KS1, 2, 3 and 4.  These will support children and young people who require additional support and education outside a mainstream school for a fixed period of time. This will include any pupils excluded at day 6 for the period of exclusion, or if permanently excluded until a school place is identified through the panel. The aim is to secure access into mainstream school and prevent permanent exclusion either through reintegration into the existing school or transition into a new school. The short term early intervention learning and support package will be agreed with the home school and this will include the objectives to achieve during the placement and plans for review and reintegration.

Want to refer someone to the ARC?

If you believe that the ARC can be of help to a student or family member please download a client referral form using the link below.


Tel No:

020 7846 9204

07806 756 092



60 Uplands Business Park, The Conference Centre, Black Horse Lane,
Walthamstow, London

E17 5QJ

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